Utilize Your Website

Why a dynamic website is your shopping mall’s biggest tool!

A dynamic website that is focused on evolving rather than staying stagnant is your biggest digital tool. It seems that every shopping mall is following the steps of every other mall in hopes that the competition comes up with the next big idea. 

Why can’t that big idea come from you? 

Websites are powerful. The ease of making changes to match your vision on the go can be a simple few clicks and updates away when utilized with the right software, talented team or support. 

Let’s look at our current situation. Covid has forced us to embrace change, it’s restricted our business models in ways that apparently only Bill Gates was prepared for. I often talk to marketing managers that want to adapt but don’t fully focus on the idea of where they can make the best changes to their malls website and get the biggest returns. They get stuck in the pre-covid mentality instead, keeping ideas small and the effects meaningless. 

A great shopping mall changes its website to meet demands, trends, enhancing shopper experience every step of the way. An amazing website has a team that sees where it should flow, carving the path as it goes and staying within the entire shopping centre's vision. It’s in this process that the website becomes more than just a site, it transforms into a digital tool and experience utilized by both the shopping malls and the shoppers. 

The term experience can feel like a broken record at times but it’s never been more relevant than today. Shoppers are clutching their purses and wallets in an attempt to not misstep in their purchasing. Malls need to look at this new age of shopping behaviours as an opportunity to discover and reframe traditional ideas for 2021. 

Have shopping behaviours changed, or have they simply updated. Does every aspect of these tried and true staples relate to ecommerce, of course not. Take impulse buys, statistically they are less likely to happen online when you are sharing a virtual space with millions of alternatives. Websites fight between selling and acting as a showroom more so than when the shopper is in a physical mall location. This is the key point in your website action plan. How do you turn that viewer into an actual shopper? The answer is in websites and the experience it can create. 

Your first step is to look at your website through the eyes of your shopper, really pick it apart. Don’t let the sensitivities and emotions of your company steer your focus. It is in this awareness that you evolve the best actions within your digital marketing plan. Better yet, outsource this component and take advantage of the fresh perspective. I’m not saying this simply because it aligns with our services here at Mall Maverick. I say this because it just makes more sense. You specialize in your business and we specialize in ours. This is what we do, unafraid to make the suggestions you may think you don’t want to hear, instead we provide experienced perspectives backed by solutions that will enhance, engage and at the end of the day increase traffic and turnover into sales. 

Click the link below to take a look at some of the sites we’ve curated. We design with a people focused experiential approach, using the future in shopping mall technology to truly enhance the relationship between the malls and the digital marketplace.

Mall Maverick Video


Viewer Experience vs Shopper Experience


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